Congratulations Gregory Millard, winner of the CSN Best Article Published in the Journal of Canadian Studies Prize
(vol. 55)

“Ambiguously Hip: The Tragically Hip and Canadian Nationalism”

While our committee found that there were many good articles to choose from, the piece by Gregory Millard Ambiguously Hip: The Tragically Hip and Canadian Nationalism proved to be our top choice. The article explores ideas of nationalism as they apply or don’t apply to Canada. It offers a nuanced approach to how the Tragically Hip became icons of Canadian nationalism despite (or really because of) what Millard describes as a deeply “ambiguous” approach to the nation. It looks at different sorts of nationalism, opposing, for example, nationalisms founded upon “sentiment” to those founded upon “belief.” The article provides a refreshing view of the Tragically Hip, who, despite their criticism of Canadian institutions and Canadian society, are frequently considered to be Canadian Icons. The article contains both intelligent analyses of songs and a theoretical linking of various models of nationalism, all of which makes for an engaging and compelling study that paves the way for an even broader analysis. Furthermore, it is solidly researched, and written in a clear, unfettered style.